? What is a home inspection, and why do I need one?

A home inspection is a thorough evaluation of a property's condition. It's essential to identify potential issues and ensure you're making an informed decision when buying a home.

? When should I schedule a home inspection?

It's recommended to schedule a home inspection after your offer has been accepted, typically during the contingency period. This allows time for the inspection and addressing any concerns.

? How long does a home inspection take, and can I be present during it?

The duration varies but typically takes a few hours. Being present during the inspection is encouraged, as it allows you to ask questions and gain a better understanding of the property's condition.

? What does a home inspection cover, and what doesn't it include?

A home inspection covers the structural, mechanical, and electrical aspects of a property. However, it doesn't include environmental testing (e.g., mold or radon) or a comprehensive code compliance check.

? How soon will I receive the inspection report, and what should I do with it?

Inspection reports are typically provided within a few days. Review it carefully and discuss any concerns with your real estate agent. It's a valuable tool for negotiating repairs or adjustments in the purchase agreement.

? Can I use the inspection report for negotiating the sale price?

Yes, the inspection report can be used in negotiations. If significant issues are identified, you can request repairs or financial concessions from the seller, depending on your purchase agreement terms.



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